Ten of clubs

Description : Ten of clubs

The ten of clubs is very much appreciated in cartomancy. It indicates well-being and balance, and announces a big change ahead. The consultant is about to solve his/her problems.

On the romantic level, there is serenity and balance; it evokes stability in a relationship or meeting your loved-one.

The ten of clubs symbolizes all the positive aspects of the clubs.


The consultant

You are about to experience a big change that will bring satisfaction. The ten of clubs is a good omen and brings positive energies. Consider your future with serenity, should you be single or in a relationship, as your affective state is extremely good.


One of your relatives is about to experience a big change that will bring him/her great satisfactions in his/her life. In a near future, one or your relatives could announce you good news such as a marriage or a birth. The future is bright.